Sunday, October 18, 2009

How to Tear Up in Twenty Seconds or Less

Little Man is finally getting to the stage where he can carry on simple conversations. They don't follow any set pattern, and are usually interrupted half-way through with whatever urgent need he might have, but we're getting somewhere.

After his bath this morning, Little Man asked to call Grammy's house and "talk to Meggy", his foster sister (foster aunt, I guess, now that he's moved home?). I explained that Meg was moving home to her forever family soon, and he wouldn't be able to call Grammy's house to talk to her anymore. (Meg is an infant, and doesn't 'talk' anyways, but the two enjoy exchanging giggles and coos.) 

Little Man looked upset, and frowned for a minute. "Meg go home? No more Grammy?" I explained again "Meg is moving home to live with her mommy and daddy. But we can call to say good-bye today, and you can call Grammy any time you want to. Grammy will always be there. Just like momma and daddy."

"You me mommy." Little Man said firmly. "Love you for-ever." He commanded, quoting his favourite bed-time story.

"That's right," I said. I could feel the tears welling up already. "Would you like to hear your special story about how you came to join our family?"

Little Man loves stories. "Yay!" he clapped his hands "Special story, Momma!"

And so we talked -- for a record time, I think (about two minutes) about his birth mother, and the special plan she made, and how he went to live with his Grammy and Opa until Momma and Daddy could take him home to live forever.

By this time I had tears running down my face. I was a mess. Little Man, in all his angelic empathy, climbed in my lap and tried to wipe my tears away. (He succeeded only in poking me in the eye, but he meant well.) 

"Is okay, momma." he said. "Have ice cream? Feel bebber?" He got an extra long snuggle for that one. And, I'm sad to admit, we shared a bowl of ice cream at 9:30 in the morning.

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